Leaflet Distribution Wirral
For the most successful results, leaflets should always be delivered with addressed mail. We are one of the few companies that can offer this. And by choosing your leaflets to be delivered this way we can offer you the best price available.
Furthermore, we can help hone your target market to reduce any wasteful deliveries. For example if your selling double glazing, delivering leaflets to council or rented houses is extremely unlikely to lead to a sale. For the most comprehensive Wirral leaflet campaigns to your target markets Local Postal Solutions is not just the smart choice, we are the value choice.
Mail Combination
Our most popular form of leaflet distribution, your amazing leaflets delivered with our mail to over 3000+ addresses across the Wirral every month. Over 90% will be delivered by bicycle making your leaflet distribution more eco friendly. We also collect your leaflets if they are from a Wirral location.
Solus Leaflet
Single leaflet delivery in concentrated areas. Some postcodes are particularly difficult to deliver to due to terrain, length of drives or distance between houses, there is a premium of 3p added to any targeted delivery to these areas. 7p per leaflet or 10p per leaflet for the premium postcodes (call or enquire for the premium areas listings).
Shared Leaflet Distribution
Your leaflet is posted with another non-conflicting leaflet to a concentrated area, your chances of success are reduced but so is the price at just 5p per leaflet. 1p premium applied if both parties wish for delivery to the premium postcodes.
Mixed Leaflet
You can choose to mix your leaflets between our mail distribution and a targeted area solus drop. At 6p per leaflet you get a more varied leaflet delivery. Premium postcode areas are notincluded in this method.
Premium Leaflet Distribution
Nearly all pockets of premium postcodes are in small areas of CH48 and CH61. Postcodes that have the 3 prefix and 3 numbers CH48 1,
CH48 2, CH61 0 and CH61 1 are the only premium delivery areas.
Our operatives call rate is significantly reduced in these areas combined with them being popular areas for some leaflet distributions means we have had to add a premium to these beautiful areas to deliver leaflets.
Ready to stop paying a national price for your local mail?