What a great month May was for Local Postal Solutions. A few new clients, one of which has made a huge impact on our ever growing mail network. The reimergence of another client who has been quiet since Christmas. And then we finished the month off with our best week since Christmas. With it being a school holiday I would have predicted a down turn in business, but what do I know I’ve only been at this game for a year, and every week there’s a new lesson to be learnt.
What can we expect in June? With little opportunity to invest in marketing currently. We will be turning to our exceptional reputation to gain more clients. We never know who the next lucky client will be, will it be a mail client, a parcel client or a leaflet client. The three are so different not just for obvious reasons but also for the different challenges they impact on the company.
The mail - Offers an opportunity to make our morning mail duties more profitable. It’s effectively the bread and butter of this business, it’s labour intensive, it’s hard yards on the bike but it’s ultimately the biggest asset we can offer any company sending local mail. We have clients who are already saving thousands of pounds every year compared to stamped or franked prices and ultimately that gives us the greatest satisfaction.
Parcels - Our same day parcel collection and delivery is revolutionising the high street for our amazing clients. With no damages or parcels going missing out keeps the costs of retail outlets at a minimum, not to mention the savings they are making by switching their parcels to us. Same day delivery gives the customer instant gratification and this drives repeat sales. All of our parcel clients are turning over more deliveries than when we first started working for them. On a good day the parcel business can recoup the lower income of the mail delivery. But over time we predict the income for the mail will supersede the parcel income. The gap between the two closes every week.
Leaflets - We can’t survive without mail and we can’t survive without parcels, leaflet work was never in the business plan. It’s something we offer to promote local business only. You won’t find us delivering national chain leaflets every other week. We are all about promoting local businesses and levelling the playing field between national organisations and local companies. We have been extremely grateful for the opportunity to deliver many thousands of leaflets in our first 11 months. Some of which in the early days kept us in business. We have a few jobs coming up which we are doing for free to help some amazing community based charities with events they are hosting. It’s worth bearing in mind on the rare occasions we encounter a recipient who needs to vent, shall we say. A lot of our leaflet work is giving back to the communities we serve. And we also do a lot of discounted leaflet work for businesses that use our mail and parcel services.
The other thing we offer which isn’t for sale, it’s free to access for all our clients who use our service is solutions. Solutions to their mail problems or marketing, their parcel deliveries or returns. We have made revolutionary suggestions to our clients to increase their chance of further sales or simple solutions to problems only we can see as we deliver the entire process. Not just one of many doing a little bit in the process. We collect, sort and deliver so we are in a privileged position of viewing your postings like it’s never been seen before. To give you examples would simply be weaponising other copycat businesses or current competitors. Fundamentally we know that whatever companies use us are maximising their potential and gaining an advantage. They are already ahead of the game in making savings with huge reductions in their postal costs. Can you afford to not use Local Postal Solutions for your Wirral bound mail and parcels?
Not just a postman.
