First of all we only currently collect from and too Wirral addresses.
The benefits of switching your mail to Local Postal Solutions stretch well beyond the obvious.
1. No laborious franking and stamping of mail.
2. Huge savings to be made on every item you send.
3. No more sending someone out in the rain to the post box.
4. No queuing in the post office.
5. No more bulk stamp purchasing.
6. Mail starts getting delivered immediately after collection.
7. Supporting a local business.
8. Mail is not floating around the national network for days.
9. Over 95% of our mail is delivered by bicycle. 10. A more personalised service, your mail is our priority and it’s rare that we deliver multiple items so your mail doesn’t get lost within a wad of mail getting delivered.
11. No paying for or renting a franking machine.
12. No two tier system giving favourable prices to those who pay for a franking machine.
13. No being held to ransom by spiralling prices.
14. Your mail won’t have to go out of the region to Chester by HGV to be sorted and then to be returned to within miles of its origin.
15. Regular donations to support local charities.
We cover the entire Wirral every week with our innovative and greener delivery, delivering over 3000 items a month. This number grows every month as our reputation spreads across the Wirral. Dont forget we deliver parcels too!!! Our parcel delivery is outstanding, we currently deliver over 95% of our parcels the same day. Not only do your parcels get there well before our competitors have even sorted there’s, every parcel we deliver no matter what size is cheaper than any other parcel service. Our clients are telling us of customers who are receiving their items within hours of ordering. It’s driving repeat orders and saving you and your customers money.
Come and give us a trial, everyone who has trialled us have never gone back to deliveries by a national parcel service.
Not just a postman.
