Unfortunately this year we left London empty handed, but the experience won’t be lost on us. Important lessons were learnt, and this is how next year we will be more prepared.
Net Zero - within the next few months we will move from being amazingly sustainable to net zero with the introduction of an electric fleet.
Growth - by showing growth as a business it shows we are heading in the right direction. We continue growing month by month and there is nothing in them trends which suggest anything but amazing growth in 2025-26.
Efficiency - with improvements in both growth and sustainability means we can employ more staff. This immediately improves efficiency as our area is split in two and then three etc.
Improvements - we have so many ideas for improvement this year. The main focus will be on introducing a class encompassing 48 hour delivery window. One class of mail for less than the national networks 2nd class pricing. We know their class of mail doesn’t exist (hence the millions of pounds of fines for their huge miss on first class delivery targets). Later this year we will expose their latest falsification of First class miss-selling.
Expectation - sustainability is a very broad spectrum and we may not be on the spectrum the judges are ultimately looking at. Focusing on our smaller aspects of sustainability as well as the bigger picture.
London ready - be London ready. I don’t think I could have been any more naive about London than I was. I’ve felt more at home in foreign countries than I did in my own countries capital. The traffic, the constant beeping of horns, the bikes that don’t stop for red lights cos everyone is too busy. The ignorance and lack of courtesy on the streets, it’s all alarmingly unnerving.
After the awards I immediately knew I needed to be more savvy next year. Most of this I can’t work on till I get back to work. But being London ready was something I could work on straight away. With 4 hours to fill till my train home, I decided to walk to Euston station to try to observe as much of London’s streets as possible. No sight-seeing just walking the streets. One of the many things I have learnt from my amazing 5 year old son is observation. Resist the urge to be immediately part of something and just observe behaviour or how things work. Absorb every single bit of information to prepare yourself to enter the arena, and give yourself a better chance of survival
My 4 hour observation taught me many things, London is not pretty, the people are too busy to offer a simple courtesy. The traffic is chaotic bordering on permanently angry. There is a feeling of distrust and a distinct lack of cohesion within its people. It feels like their is drama waiting to unfold around every corner. Yet despite all this I started to find myself captivated by its manic nature. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a place I yearn to visit again but, what it does mean is that next year I will be London ready.
Not just a postman
