Since the beginning of this venture, I have met the most amazing people. People who have given me a chance when others lacked faith. People who have given their time to offer advice, when others are too busy. People who have entrusted me with delivery of their products, when others have decided to carry on paying more for a lesser service. And today, people, busy people, important people and well respected people who are prepared to help you in areas of business that takes time, skill and knowledge. A huge thank you to all these people, I am pretty sure if your reading this you all know who you are. We often use the word generosity and it's perceived generally as monetary. The generosity of time and knowledge is far more powerful as a gift.
I hope that what we are trying to achieve inspires people, and we can't get to where we want to be without the intervention of other peoples time and knowledge. We can however learn and evolve, we know where we are strong as a business and we know areas in which we are learning. The help of people in areas in which we are learning has become integral to what we do. We are trying to transform for the better, delivery of mail and parcels at a local level. This may seem quite niche and of little value to many. But those that can see the vision we have, are able to open their minds and look beyond here and now. They can see what we are trying to achieve and how it will benefit not just one or two people but how it can benefit the whole of the Wirral, and maybe beyond.
With your help and support, we can revolutionise the industry we are working in. At the moment you can be forgiven for thinking we are just another courier delivering parcels or delivering a bit of mail on a bike. This is just phase one of a plan which has a dozen phases, we are starting to make people aware of the complete vision we have and it's liberating to be able to show people our vision for the future.
Not just a postman.