Pre October 7th 2024 the price of second class mail with the national service was 85p stamped and 69p for franking a saving of 16p if you don’t include the expensive rental maintenance and ink. Rental varies depending on your volume so the more you send the more rental you pay.
Pre October 7th 2024
For this example your sending 100 items per day via franking machine and your monthly rent is £80. You don’t work weekends so your mail is 500 items per week. We will use the month of February as it has 28 days (4 weeks) normally. Your sending 2000 items a month at 69p (£1380) but paying a rental of £80 that’s £1460 in total. You’ve been getting your mail for 73p 👍
If your using stamps instead it’s 85p x 2000 = £1,700
So you saved £240 but bear in mind this doesn’t include maintenance and ink and you have to send that amount of mail every month. If you send anything less than 1600 items a month for that month your making a loss compared to buying a stamp.
Despite the headlines being first class stamps going up 30p they said second class stamps was going to remain the same and they did, but they raised the price of franking by 11p to 80p now let’s see how much your saving.
After October 7th 2024
2000 x 80p = £1600 plus £80 rental £1680. Your now only making a saving of £20 and the price of your mail is now 84p. Ink and maintenance is estimated at between £200-£400 per year that’s between £16.66 - £33.33 per month. If your on the higher end of these charges your actually paying more for your mail than stamped. And if your a school and factor in weeks off your paying well over the price of a stamp.
But here’s the killer you’ve signed a contract for your own mail to be delivered and they change the prices as they wish and effectively punish their loyal franking customers for signing in to a contract.
If your a Wirral business or service there is another way. Our Wirral mail only “second class” service is 20p cheaper per item than using a franking machine with no maintenance, ink and most importantly no contract to tie you in. We call into the many businesses and services we work for and separate their Wirral mail from their national mail. One of our clients saved over £3,000 in postal costs last year by ditching their franking machine and using Local Postal Solutions for all their Wirral mail. One of the many reasons why we were selected to be in the Uk small business 100 for 2024. Or alternatively you will soon be able to use our Local Postal Boxes which will be popping up in various locations on the Wirral over the coming months.
Not just a postman
