As the quality of service is at an all time low and the figures for first class delivery are at an all time low. Royal Mail should be compensating their customers for their failures in getting anywhere near their first class delivery targets. Instead they are increasing your costs to send your mail, effectively punishing their loyal customers for staying with them. Royal Mail have since the start of the year pushed the price up of a First Class stamp from 90p to £1.25 that’s equivalent to a 38% rise in little over 6 months. Apparently this decision is down to falling letter volumes. Customers can’t afford to send mail so they don’t, then Royal Mail rewards the businesses that are loyal to them by increasing their prices to make up for the fact that smaller businesses have had to stop sending mail.
Here is the good news for Wirral businesses sending local post, we are already much cheaper than Royal Mail and we have no intention of increasing our prices as we are seeing huge rises in letter volumes, the demand to use our services increases every week. If you want to find out more, contact us for a free consultation. We dont just save you money, we save you office time by reducing your franking time, you’ll never have to lick a stamp again (they’ve never tasted nice, I mean how hard would it be to introduce a variety of flavours to spice up that dreaded office chore). As well as saving money and time did I mention the huge impact we are having on the environment with our bike deliveries. Mail shouldn’t cost the earth, and with local postal solutions it doesn’t.
Todays fact is only Wirral based as we have all had to pay it at some point. In 2010 a First class stamp cost 41p. From next month it will cost a staggering £1.25. That’s over 300% rise in price in 13 years, inflation over this period is 64.05% which means the price of a First class stamp now should be between 67p and 68p.
Not just a postman.
