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Website updated

Writer: Paul EastPaul East

It’s never a straight forward task and I have spent hours today making new pages to replace some old pages. I have tried to separate our mail, parcel and leaflet service for the reader so they can just find which service they specifically require. It’s often the case when updating that you think, I can’t believe I never thought of this earlier. I had many moments like that today. If I am really honest about the website, it’s not something that has ever helped the business. Whether that’s because there’s too much information to get across or that I am not concise enough or a lack of interaction as I don’t really know how to facilitate that. I have been trying to get a feedback page up, but it’s been a bit of a frustrating process.

My laptop is so slow and the website host is very glitchy and the two don’t combine very well, add in myself chief baboon of everything technological and it becomes a potent mix of wasted time, frustration, screaming at a computer screen and hours of holding my head in my hands. But, it’s also something I can’t throw money at for someone to do it for me. I have only ever got one lead through my website. All our work has come from calling in to places and recommendations. And that process feels a lot more natural for us as a business.

We are niche, and it is a new concept and when people get it they get it, it is quite obviously a no brainer. I don’t believe reading about what we do convinces people to make the change. Showing what we do for others and them spreading the word is what really drives our business. It all comes down to trust, and when others see how much faith other businesses put into us they suddenly realise that’s where they need to be.

Since we started in early summer 2023 we have had a gradual process of companies joining us. Not one of them companies has stopped using us and that’s an amazing testament to how good this business is for our local businesses and services. Whether it’s service reminders, medical prescriptions, flowers, clothes, educational tools, health supplements or marketing materials they are all of equal importance as a service has been paid for. We deliver that service 6 days a week in every kind of weather, and we are never going to reduce that quality of service, because that’s our promise to you.

We are trending in the right direction and we know this business will be around for a long, long time. We are slowly but surely revolutionising mail, parcel and leaflet deliveries on the Wirral. For the benefit of residents on the Wirral. We try to imagine Wirral as an island, a necessity to become self sufficient as if no other mail or courier service existed. Anything that goes from Wirral to Wirral we want to come through us, cut out the national alternative for your local postings. And once we achieve a large chunk of everything local, we imagine the island of Wirral opens its borders to allow places from outside of Wirral to join their network and benefit from what Local Postal Solutions offers. The larger the network the more savings you can make. Our aim is to make Wirral the focus of local mail and parcel distribution. We want people from other parts of the country to look at what we are doing and think “that’s what we need” and then allow us to offer them that service. The vision is grand and ambitious and it’s going to be an amazing adventure………..

Not just a postman



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