Mail. 62. Monthly. 313
Parcels 58. Monthly. 259. Same day delivery. 100%
Every item we deliver is a saving compared to any of our competitors, plus our collect and deliver parcel service is delivering within hours of collection. Your customers won’t have experienced a service like it, we have your parcel delivered before the end of the day. This week alone I have lost count of the amount of times a customer receiving a parcel has said “ wow, I only ordered this a couple of hours ago”. We have set a new benchmark in delivering parcels. Nearly all of our parcels will save you a minimum of £1 compared to our national competitors. We have cut out the entire lengthy sorting process and the pointless journeys to a main sorting office outside of the region. Your process for prepping a parcel or mail for delivery has also been simplified saving you time and money. No more franking or stamping parcels and mail, no more running out to the post box to make the last collection or standing in a post office queue whilst you have a back in 15 minute sign on your temporary closed business.
Our current clients are passing their savings onto their customers, which in turn is generating repeat sales quicker. More and more of their customers are opting for delivery as it’s so much cheaper than paying for parking, petrol and time. How many times have you gone to order something for delivery and got to the end and thought I’m not paying £5 for postage and packaging? If that cost was reduced by approximately a third, would that generate an otherwise lost sale?
We are a local business supporting our local businesses and helping them compete with their national competitors. Cheaper postage for our clients and same day delivery has given our clients the edge of not just the big high street chains but also the local businesses that haven’t found us yet. Give your business the edge that it needs to survive, succeed and thrive. Visit www.localpostalsolutions.co.uk or e-mail localpostalsolutions@outlook.com to find out more about us what we do and how we are revolutionising the local parcel and post industry.
***COMING SOON - Christmas post box, save money on every item of your Wirral bound Christmas post whilst raising money for a soon to be announced local charity. A minimum of 20p saving on every item plus we will donate between 5p to 10p of every Christmas card we deliver. That’s LOCAL POSTAL SOLUTIONS ***
