Story from the weekend.
Took my 4 year old son to the park and he was on the swings for ages which is par for the course.
Anyway next to us was a lovely little girl who had a toy hamster which repeated any noise that it could pick up on. Due to a clip we recorded on the swings for a happy birthday video message last year, he likes to have a conversation one word at a time whenever he swings towards me.
He’s on the swing for a while and he suggests playing the one word at a time game. I agree and he starts of with “your” swings away and as he swings back he says “kidding”. He repeats this a few times, on about the third attempt the lovely young girl on the next swing starts copying. So now he says “your” followed by the girl saying “your” followed by her toy hamster saying “your” in a squeaky voice. Then he says “kidding” followed by the girl saying “kidding” and the toy hamster repeating “kidding” in a squeaky voice” this goes on a few times. The little girls Mum and I exchange some pleasantries mainly over how cute it is to see them having so much fun.
As with most games, kids like to step up to the next level. He decides to say “your kidding” in one swing, the little girl copies and its followed by the toy hamster squeaking “ your kidding”. This goes on for a few swings and then he decides to try and get a third word in. He swings away and on his return he says “your friggin kidding”. It was one of them moments were you just wanted the ground to swallow you up. I don’t know in what order but I said “no” to my little boy, “sorry” to the little girls mum and went bright red. My humiliation wasn’t complete, the little girl then shouted “your friggin kidding” if that wasn’t enough it was soon followed by a deafening silence and a squeaky hamster blurting out in what seemed like it’s volume had been turned up to 10 “ your friggin kidding”. Oh please let me die now.
It felt like everyone around was visually barring me from the playground. I can’t honestly remember the next exchanges, it was all in good faith but I was just thinking of how to get out of the playground. Anyway if you live near a playground and you hear a creepy swing waking you up in the middle of the night, don’t panic it’s probably just me and my son avoiding the crowds of the daytime, your friggin kidding 😂😂😂
Not just a postman